Here's What People Are Saying About The Future Of Cryptocurrency In 2019

Mark Henry, a cryptocurrency miner, assumes in 2019 banks will work on adopting Blockchain and cryptocurrency. Otherwise, they will perish. Banks move value around and maintain the ledger. Also, they ensure the security of the finance.  The banking sector will adopt the change in the next few years and interest in the crypto tokens in the real economy may grow.
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash
Before we talk about the future of cryptocurrency in 2019, let me give you a brief introduction on NASDAQ. It stands for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation. Dealers can buy and sell securities in NASDAQ. It works as an electronic Marketplace. Where New York Stock Exchange is an auction market, NASDAQ is a dealers' Market. We'll not talk in details about NASDAQ here. Now, let me introduce Bitcoin Future. What is Bitcoin Future? It implies two parties agree upon trading bitcoin at a particular price on a specific date. Bitcoin Future is a derivative product. A derivative product is a kind of financial security. Its value depends on a group of assets. In 2019 NASDAQ will allow trading Bitcoin Future.
Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash
Now, more and more people are losing their faith in fiat currencies. Fiat currencies are regular paper notes and metal coins we use. Cryptocurrency fans think in the upcoming years it will be much steady.

Qazi Ahmed Mukhtar lives in Melbourne, Australia. He wrote on Quora, "Blockchain will do to banks what the internet did to media." Blockchain technology will solve security issues more efficiently. Pawel Kowalczuk studied International economics. In his opinion, all currencies are based on faith. Governments regulate fiat currencies. No government issues cryptocurrency by now.


  1. According to report many leading economists, crypto enthusiasts like myself, definitely! bitcoin will reach six figures but it will only take time sooner than later. You do not need a lot of money to invest in bitcoin, trust me i started with a small amount and I have made so much money in just a couple of months. I made about 78,000 dollars on my first week and this would not have been possible without the help of my very good friend that introduced me to the best bitcoin investment platform online. I reached out to them via their email at..(Digitalassetsconsultancy @ hotmail. com ) I communicated with them for about 6 hours and asked a lot of questions and they gave me great answers and I was very much convinced so I subscribed to their investment package. I received almost 2000 dollars the next day and I said to myself that I will take my time to share this with the world because I really believe in the blockchain technology and not just the money or gains. I was surprised at how much money one can make just by investing and not doing anything. Many many thanks to the digital assets consultancy team for helping out. My first wallet was hacked by online spammers and they helped me to recover it with my funds back in it. I humbly have to add this that I will be buying my first house next week, what more can I say Christmas gift came in very early lol :)


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