We don't know microsoft xbox one series x price!

Microsoft has unveiled the new gaming console Xbox Series X. Through this, Microsoft is now a bit ahead of Japanese rival Sony PlayStation in the gaming console sector. Sony's new gaming console will be unveiled in late 2021.The Windows manufacturer unveiled the console at a press conference for the game's award-winning program The Game Awards.

Xbox Series X
Xbox Series X

Microsoft's new console design is very much like a PC tower. On the other hand, the design of the new controller has been kept almost as before. However, the share button has been added. This button was previously added to the PlayStation 4  controller.

In a blog post, Microsoft's Xbox chief Phil Spencer said it was the organization's "fastest and strongest console" that could display pictures at 120 frame rates per second and support 8K video.

Spencer claims loading times "won't really exist" due to the device's improved graphics and solid state drive. Microsoft has not revealed the market price of the new gaming console. The company said the console will come to market during the holiday season of 2020.


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