How much concern is the new virus? (Video)

The new virus, which has been seen since December, has caused major lung infections. Chinese authorities have already confirmed that at least three people have died of the virus and at least 200 have been infected. However, some health analysts estimate that the number of infected patients is close to 2,000.
The virus is identified as a type of coronavirus and is a common virus that infects the nose, sinus or the upper part of the neck. In Bangladesh, the alert has been issued at the Shahzad Shahalpur International Airport.

But how worrying is this virus infection and how fast does it spread?

As far as the human beingist is known, the incident occurred in a market where sea fish are sold in Wuhan, China.

The coronavirus virus is in the family but six of these viruses are known before, but now the person infected is new. Most of the coronaviruses are not dangerous, but the new virus is feared to be causing viral pneumonia.

What's the key to the symptoms

Apart from respiratory symptoms, fever, sneezing, respiratory problems are the main symptoms. The outbreak of the coronavirus reminds many of the sars virus that caused 774 deaths in many predominantly Asian countries in the early 2000s.

Analysis of the genetic code of the new virus has shown that it is very similar to the SARS virus.

'When we see a new coronavirus, we want to know how deadly its symptoms are. The virus is like flu but not as deadly as the SARS virus,' said Professor Mark Woolhouse of the University of Edinburgh.

How fast this virus can spread?

In December, the virus first reported its existence in Wuhan city and three people have died so far. But the reason for the authorities' concern is that when millions of people travel around the world to celebrate lunar New Year or Chandra New Year, more people are at risk of being infected with the new virus.

South Korea, Japan and Thailand have also confirmed the new virus.

A report by the MRC Centre for Global Infection Disease Analysis at Imperial College, London, says that they think that 1,700 people have already been infected with the new virus.

Can it infect humans? ?
Until now, scientists have assumed that there were some cases of human infected people.

Wang Lin Fa of Duke-Nus Medical School in Singapore recently visited Wuhan. He says that the symptoms of human infection are being given a sharp eye.

'Chinese New Year is coming. At least 400 million people will travel to Different places in China. Everyone is worried. We have to look at it. '

How to prevent infection
Already, the infected person must be treated separately until the risk of infection is reached. Already the fish market in Wuhan province has been closed and the cleanup operation is on.

People are warned to be careful of the animals, as well as to cook eggs and meat and to be in touch with people who are infected with cold or flu.

The chinese New Year will see if the people who travel have extra body temperature. Singapore and Hong Kong started screening of passengers from Wuhan. The United States has also taken the same precautionary measures at major airports.

Special precautions have been taken at Dhaka International Airport for good communication with China.

The World Health Organization has warned hospitals about the spread of the outbreak worldwide.

Should I be worried?
Dr Josie Golding of the Welcome Trust said it was difficult to tell how concerned we should be at this moment until we get a fresh outbreak.

'We remember the sars a lot and that's why we're so scared. But now we are more prepared to fight this kind of disease. '

Professor Jonathan Ball of Nottingham University says, "We should be concerned that any virus can attack people. Once you get into the human body, it can become dangerous. Viruses should not be given that opportunity.


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